Saturday, July 09, 2005

A quick update...

Hey guys! I did a lot of lawn mowing yesterday and am looking to do some more today. As such, I didn't get to blog yesterday. :-( However I am still here and will strive to keep the blogging level steady. Please continue to keep the British people in your prayers

The Blogging Boy Scout,

Update: Look at this real quick from David Ketter

...a bill in the Pennsylvania legislature would allow Intelligent Design to be taught in public schools. Praise God! For a rather leftist report, see CNN's story.

Boy Scout Comments: This CNN article is hogwash. However the bill sounds good. For an article on why separation of church and state is not fit for pigs(much less humans), please visit my article on the display of the Ten Commandments in court here at Virtue Magazine.

Note: At the top of the Virtue article there are two spelling errors. Please ignore those. I am working with the Virtue staff to get those corrected.


The Daily Drip said...

LOL Thanks David! :-D

Steven Nichols said...

I agree with CatsPaw, that would be really neat.

The Daily Drip said...

Ok, guys! As I can I will try to post parts of the article, and comment directly on them. Sounds like a good idea. :-D


Josephus? As in the Hebrew governor and scribe from the time of the Roman invasion of Titus?