Saturday, July 30, 2005
Gone to play ball!
Dad and I are headed out to play softball and maybe some two-hand touch football, with the guys from the Scout troop, in celebration of our scoutmaster visit today!
Wish me luck!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Friday, July 29, 2005
Headlines and Commentary
Discovery thought to be OK to bring home
For Full story click here
Comments: Praise the Lord!
Gun maker protection bill in the Senate.
For Full Story click here
Comments: I really like the sound of this bill. It would protect gun makers from lawsuits if a criminal used their particular brand or gun in a murder. It would place the blame where it belongs on the murderer, not the gun maker.
Frist breaks with Bush on stem cell research
For Full Story click here
Comments: Quote from Senator Frist used by NBC. me, it isn't just a matter of faith. Its a fact of science.
Full quote:
I am pro-life. I believe human life begins at conception. It is at this moment that the organism is complete -- yes, immature -- but complete. An embryo is nascent human life. Its genetically distinct. And its biologically human. Its living. This position is consistent with my faith. But, to me, it isn't just a matter of faith. Its a fact of science.
No other comments at this time. Opinion not yet formed.
That's all for now!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Good Morning!
I have had some great comments today, I have tried to answer the ones that have a point to them, and not so much the ones that call me things like "scum" and "liar".
I have a article to finish today for Virtue Magazine. It is the first in a three part series on "Christianity in Government". This and many other great articles should be up at Virtue on Monday.
More coming soon.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Thursday, July 28, 2005
A Scout is...Cheerful...Brave*
About 300 people, including a 15-year-old Cutchogue scout, were hospitalized Wednesday for heat-related illnesses after waiting hours while the 30,000 scouts in attendance passed through security lines to see Bush, whose speech at the 2005 National Scout Jamboree in Virginia was eventually canceled due to thunderstorms.
Bush's spokesman said Thursday that the president's visit would instead happen Sunday, at the Scouts' request.
For Full Story Click here
Comments: The Jamboree will go on. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
*Title taken from the Scout Law, which reads:
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.
Ten Commandments Article and more on Our Christian Heritage
Click here to view article
Quote from Article:
"Newsweek in its 1982 look at "How the Bible Made America," reported that "historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps even more than the Constitution, is our founding document ..." Research conducted by Professors Donald Lutz and Charles Hyneman confirms this point. Their exhaustive review of American political literature published between 1760 and 1805 some 15,000 items found that 34 percent of all direct quotations were from the Bible. The most quoted source was not Locke, not Montesquieu, not Voltaire, but the Bible specifically the book of Deuteronomy."
How true. Our founding was undoubtedly Christian and argument to the contrary is ridiculous. The only reason this is not as widely know as it once was is because writers of public school history book have edited the truth from the books. For example:
Did you know that George Washington made the following statement?
"Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness"
Why don't they tell our school children these things? Why don't they tell kids that Abe Lincoln said:
"I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book. But for it we would not know right and wrong"
The textbooks these days are made to be politically correct", which in a nutshell means you take any references to Christianity out. The only quote I remember seeing in a Oklahoma History textbook, linked Christians to the Ku Klux Clan! What a horrendous statement! Do Christians believe in killing people because they are a different color then you? Did Jesus teach these thing? NO! Yet, that was the main statement about Christianity in this book. Oh, and by that way, we happened to leave out the Lincoln quote, it might be an "establishment of religion" if we told our kids all of our history. I think they should teach our history the way it really was, not the "politically correct" version.
For more of my thoughts along these same lines please view my article Our Christian Heritage.
Thank you,
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Click here for full story.
Comments: YES!! Mr. Gonzales just confirmed what us pro-lifers have been wanting to hear! Judge Roberts, does NOT have to follow Roe v. Wade, his earlier statement only said that because Roe v. Wade was law according to the Supreme Court he would rule with it on a lower court. HOWEVER, now that he would be setting on THE high court, he could overrule it. YIPPEE!
Hay Mowing, Virtue Articles, and the return of a Scoutmaster
My cousin and uncle have come down today and are busy cutting hay. My uncle said he would teach me the ropes of running a tractor while his is down here if I like, and I hope to take him up on his offer. :-)
I am set to write a group of articles for Virtue Magazine called "Christianity and Government, the first of which is due tomorrow, so I will most likely spend some time today working on that.
Also, our troops Scoutmaster is coming for a visit in a day or two! He and his family moved away some time back, and we are all looking forward to seeing them again! He and all the scouts are going to play football and softball Saturday morning as kind of a welcome back party. I am greatly looking forward to that. (I ran a bit yesterday to make sure I was in shape to play and I am sore this morning, which is a good thing. Better sore today then slow on the field Saturday!)
I hope to bring you more later,
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Blog Readers Wanted!
Also with help from David Ketter, I found a really cool blog called Stand On (the) Bible, or D3's Blog, (so called because it owners name happens to be David S. MacMillan III. :-D A truly incredible blog. He writes in depth posts on topics that range from world news and analyses, to evolution vs. Creation, apologetics and Christianity, and many other great topics. So if you get a chance please stop by these two great blogs!
That's all for now!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Roberts - A Reagan Conservative
Nominee shown as an advocate of ex-president's conservative agenda
For Full story click here
Comments: Mr. Roberts has spoken against abortion, and will most likely take a pro-life view, if confirmed by the Senate. YIPPEE!
Note: If there are bad ads at link, refresh page and they should go away.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Scouts, the ACLU and other Headlines
For Full Story Click here
Comments: What a sad story. Four Alaskan Scout leaders were killed in this accident, as well as 3 other people being injured. My heart goes out to families of the Scouters who lost their lives. I have a friend who is at the Jamboree and I hope he is doing well through all this. As I reached the end of the article my eye caught on to something. It was a sentence that was added about the camp the Scouts were using the Military Base at A.P. Hill. The ACLU is suing the base/and or the Boy Scouts, saying that they are in violation of the first amendment by allowing Scouts to stay on government land, due to the Scouts oath which reads: "I will do my God and my country". The ACLU claims that this is wrong behavior on state property. Yet they would have no problem with a group using the grounds who choose not to have a pledge to God. To believe the ACLU is to support atheism. If you have a problem with learning about God and hearing other Scouts talk about God and pledging to do your best to do your duty to God, you don't have a place in Scouting. If you are willing to learn about God, great! Hop on board. But we can't have a die hard atheist trying to get in there and force his lack of faith on everyone else. To do that is to force the will of the minority on with majority which is tyranny.
To give on example of how silly this is, say I, a Christian Conservative, wanted to force the College Democrats to accept me into their ranks, with me totally convinced that they were wrong on almost everything. They would have every right to refuse my request for membership. One of the requirements for joining the College Democrats is that simply, you must be a Democrat, or one who holds to their belief's. The same goes for Scouting. One of the things you must do to be a Scout is strive to follow the Scout oath which reads:
"On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the Scout Law, to helps others at all times to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally straight."
If you want to be a Scout you must follow these things. There is no way around it, unless you wish to undermine the foundation or morality and patriotism that Scouting was founded upon.
As George Washington warns:
"Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness"
I stand with President Washington. The ACLU has no patriotism and no shame.
Discovery Has Lift off!
For Full Story Click here
Comments: Boy, I am so glad to see our people back into space. I praise the Lord for a safe launch and continue to pray for a good mission and a safe return home.
Civil libertarians question subway searches
For Full Story Click here
Comments: Interesting story. I feel that the searches are fine. They are for the public good, and the very presents (sp?) of armed guards at the subway will make it harder for a terrorist to attack New York's Subway system.
Police find suspicious material in London flat
For Full Story Click here
Comments: The hunt continues...
Thats all for now!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Monday, July 25, 2005
Virtue Mag
Also beginning this week, Virtue is going weekly! And to kick it off to a great start, we are going to launch a 3 week in-depth look at our American government, with the first issue being on the legislative branch, followed by the executive and the judicial branch. As I enjoy writting about our common Christian Heritage, I am planing a 3 part series called Christianity and Government. I am looking forward to bringing that your way and hope you will find it interesting. Also my sister has started a blog!
Chloe's Corner!
Please stop by and have a look! She has some good recipes and other goodies there. :-D
Goodnight all!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Judge Roberts
Americans want Roberts' position on abortion
Roberts listed in Federalist Society directory
The First Prayer in Congress
The First Prayer in Congress
offered by Jacob DucheSeptember 7, 1774
O - Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech thee, on these our American States, who have fled to thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee, to Thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which Thou alone canst give; take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under Thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in Council and valor in the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrighteousness of their Cause and if they persist in their sanguinary purposes, of own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of war from their unnerved bands in the day of battle!
Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honroable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation. That the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst The people. Preserve the health of their bodies and vigor of their minds; shower down on them and the millions they here represent, such temporal blessings as Thou seest expedient for them in this world and crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask In the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior.
Wow! What a prayer and a half! You are half expecting to hear the rebal battle cry "No King but King Jesus!" ring forth on the floor of Congress. :-)
For more of my past writings on our Christian heritage and seperation of church and state please visit:
Our Christian Heritage
The Ten Commandments in Court-Right or Wrong?
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Todays Head Lines
Hey Guys! Yesterday was mowing so today is weed eating. My Christian Heritage article is almost done, but it still needs a thing or two done to it before posting. It turned into quite a paper before it was over, and should be a good read when posted. in the mean time, here are some links to the top news stories so far this morning. Have a good one!
Terrorists attack Egypt
For Full story click here
Comments:Terrorists don't care if the people they kill are Muslum, Christian or otherwise. They just want to kill people.
London police make 2nd arrest linked to blasts
For Full Story click here
Comments: They caught another one. Good deal.
Bush Speaks of Roberts credentials
For Full story click here
Comments: In this article, the reporter states that the pro-lifers appear to be behind Mr. Roberts. I think the key here in abortion. If he is pro-life, then confirm him.(over a filibuster if need be)
A guide to the Supreme Court nomination
For Full Story click here
Comments: A well written guide through the legal process of becoming a justice on the United States highest court.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Talk to you guys soon!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Update: This article...ur...small book is going well. It is in its first draft and still needs some work, but it should be ready sometime in the near future.
Studying the Word
This morning, the lawn of many grasses is calling me to render maintenance. :-)
In the mean time though, I thought I would share some of the verses I read this morning.
Josh 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.
Ps 1:1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
Ps 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.
Ps 1:3 He will be like a tree {firmly} planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.
Both of these verses talk about how important it is to know the Word and study the Word. Look at the promise to Joshua:
"...for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success."
And in Psalms:
"...He will be like a tree {firmly} planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers."
And all this if we read the Word. Why would reading the word do this? Because...
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Word was God. When we read the word God is able to speak directly to us through His scriptures. These verses encourage me in my Bible reading. We must draw near to him.
Heb 2:1 For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away {from it.}
Heb 2:2 For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty,
Heb 2:3 how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was at the first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard,
Heb 2:4 God also testifying with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will.
Whew! How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? These verses(especially that last on) are a big encouragement to me to read the scriptures. The Lord commands us to study His word for our own good, for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.
Let us go forward following Him.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Democrat Attack Plan
The Democrats outline their plan for destroying Judge Roberts in the Senate.
For Full story Click here
Comments: Listen,
"The ideological make-up of the court is fixed and Bush is wrong to change it. Judge Roberts is no Sandra Day O'Connor, said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., in an e-mail to his supporters Wednesday. "Last night we learned that President Bush wants to replace a woman who voted to uphold Roe v. Wade with a man who argued against Roe v. Wade, and that sends a clear signal that this White House remains bent on opening old wounds and dividing America."
That is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have ever heard in my life!! "The ideological make-up of the court is fixed" My foot! The liberals have been changing our laws to fit their standards for 50 years, and now when the Republicans try to move our country back in a direction that values life, the Democrats say they have a mandate from tradition!
Pfft. "...White House remains bent on opening old wounds and dividing America."
BALONY! Those "wounds" as the Senator calls them have NEVER been closed. The liberals couldn't pass a LAW allowing abortion, so they had to use the Supreme Court to meet their diabolical ends. Abortion is murder and it always has been and no matter what the liberals say, it will remain so. This must stop now!
Now on to gay "rights". "Prior to the courts ruling in Lawrence v. Texas two years ago, the court had never held that the Equal Protection Clause encompassed gay rights."
My point on the supposed "fixed ideological make-up of the court" is continued and straightened.
Before 2002 the Supreme Court never said the the Equal Protection Clause encompassed gay rights!!!!
Who is rewriting the court ideological make-up now? What is up with this? The liberals have for 50 or 60 years been rewriting our history and our constitution to match their own ends in a way our forefathers would have thought abominable. This must stop!
We the people of the United States are waking to the facts. We have let the liberals run our government for 60 years and in that time our nation has gone to pot.
This must stop!
We the people have elected a majority of conservative men and woman to the Senate, the House and the Presidency. Now it is time for those men and woman to act!
UP WITH JUDGE ROBERTS! We voted in a conservative Senate and we want them to affirm a conservative justice!
Note: I am so, so, so, glad Bush won. Can you imagine what type of justice Kerry would have appointed? *shudder*
London Attacked! Updated
Only one person was reported wounded...
At the moment the casualty numbers appear to be very low ... the bombs appear to be smaller than those detonated July 7...
Read Full story here
Comments: Whew. What a crazy deal. It doesn't sounds like it was nearly as bad as the July 7th attacks, but still. Man, we got to get London secure. There were 4 bombs, 3 in the subway system and 1 in a bus. They were all much smaller then the July 7th explosives. There seem to be rumors that the police have caught someone related to the bombings. I don't really think this is Al Qaida . It would seem to be a "copy-cat" attack. Most likely done by Arabic sympathizers from the British isles. Before long, London(and the U.S. for that matter) may have to resort to Israeli style transit security. (Bomb sniffing dogs, bag checks, and armed guards at stations.
I would look to Adrian Warnock's U.K. Blog for updates from London later in the day.
Note: Mom and I are going grocery shopping this morning, so I won't be back for a bit.
Update: SKY NEWS is reporting that the bus bomb is identical to designs used in the 7/7 attacks. From
Update 7/22: After hearing more from London today, I found out that the bombs were full sized and looked just like the bombs that were used last time, however only the detonators blew up. The London Police think it was the same group, but this bunch is not as effective.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Out for the Evening.
I am going to take a break from blogging for the evening. Yesterdays "blog storm" took me off into cyberspace a good bit of the day and I think I shall enjoy some good time with my family tonight. I have a comment or two I need to answer and I might do that this evening, but I think this will be my last post for the day.
Some quick links to leave you with...
‘Full, fair’ hearings pledged for court nominee
For Full story click here
Canada legalizes gay marriage nationwide
They have a link, but the topic is so sick I don't want to post it.
"Star Treks" Scotty has died
For Full story click here
Goodnight friends. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great evening.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Hat Tips All Around
Agent Tim and I both got mentioned on ProLifeBlogs!
A big hat tip to them for the great roundup of bloggers thoughts on the nomination!
Look at some of these links...
Hugh Hewitt - Judge John Roberts may be the smartest lawyer I have known, and he combines that intellect with a graciousness and good humor that will make it hard for any except the most extreme ideolouges to oppose him.
Right Wing Agenda - John Roberts appears to be a staunch pro-life conservative jurist, though he recently admitted that Roe v. Wade is the "law of the land." (A no brainer since it is the controlling abortion opinion, though Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania v. Casey further defined legal abortion.)
Stones Cry Out - I'm pleasantly surprised that President Bush decided to nominate Judge John Roberts to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. [analysis follows]
Head over there and have a look at the rest of the graet posts! Way to go Pro Life Blogs!
Also here is a bio (of sorts) about Judge Roberts. (Hat Tip: Spunky Jr.)
The Blogging Boy Scout,
I support John G. Roberts, Jr. For Supreme Court Justice
Judge Roberts in the 1990's co-wrote the following statement in a brief:
The courts conclusion in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an abortion ... finds no support in the text, structure or history of the Constitution,
But then in a confirmation hearing for the D.C. court of appeals he said this:
Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land. ... There is nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent.
What he was saying here is that because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that abortion was ok, he would so rule in this lower court. HOWEVER, this does not mean once he in ON the high court, he will advance the cause of abortion. And from his other views, I would say more then likely he would come out on the side of life.
Another thing in this fellow's favor is that he has the support of Jay Sekulow of the very conservative alternative to the ACLU, the ACLJ. Mr. Sekulow says, quote:
I've known Judge Roberts for 17 years and litigated with him at the Supreme Court of the United States.
"There can be no question that Judge Roberts is exceptionally well qualified to serve as the next Supreme Court Justice. He has served with distinction on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and has a keen understanding of the Constitution."
"In my dealings with Judge Roberts over the years, I have found him to be a lawyer's lawyer, exhibiting uncommon insight and judgment. A man of character, Judge Roberts understands the Constitution and has a record of applying the law -- not legislating from the bench."
"But his nomination has invoked strong opposition from groups like People For the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and others - because they know that the next Supreme Court Justice will play a pivotal role in major decisions regarding religious freedom ... abortion ... pornography ... and more."
"And they know that John G. Roberts, Jr. will impartially pursue justice and uphold the Constitution and the rule of law in all matters."
Click here to sign your name to the ACLJ's PETITION TO SUPPORT JOHN G. ROBERTS, JR.
Also as Agent Tim pointed out, Hugh Hewitt of World Magazine is with this guy all the way.
I believe I can now say that I do indeed support Judge John G. Roberts Jr. for the office of a justice on the United States Supreme Court. He is said to be very conservative and should make an excellent justice on the court. However I want to see him nail down just where he stands on abortion. From what I have heard he should do well, but I want to see him asked that question at his Senate confirmation hearing.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Response to Comment
"Perhaps bush went halfway because he realizes that the first thing needed for the reunification of the US is a little compromise?"
After trying unsuccessfully to answer in one comment, I chose to do it in a post on the matter.
OK. First of all the last thing we need right now is compromise. We need to put good men in government who value life and our Godly Heritage. Nothing less.
What do we want to do, put a kinda, ok sorta guy who might value life on the bench of the United States Supreme Court?
Rom 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Also, the Isrealites got in trouble time and time again for compromising with the evil people around them. No we do not need a comepromise.
EdisonLBM speaks about the "reunification of the (United States)" I should like to quote Abraham Lincoln.
"I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new -- North as well as South."
A nation can either be all one thing or all the other. If cannot remain divided.
Mark 3:25 "If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.
We can be a nation that values its unborn children in its national policy or we can be a nation that kills them off. We cannot be both.
Supreme Court Justice Nominee John G. Roberts Jr.

ÓRoe v. Wade is the settled law of the land. ... There is nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent.Ô
I don't like that. I don't like that at all.
The more I think about that the more it bugs me. Why didn't Mr. Bush nominate a red blooded pro-lifer? Why go half way? I am seeing a mixed message on this guy. The two quotes I posted earlier seem to be the cause of it. On the one hand Mr. Roberts says he is against abortion. On the other, he says he could go with Roe v. Wade. How can you hold both positions? The liberals are attacking him from places such as NARAL with quotes like the one from Agent Tim here. But, how can he be for Roe v. Wade and against it? Is he pro-life or not?
Note: Don't get me wrong. This guy may be a great justice who does lots of good things for the court. Many people say he will. I am just asking some questions.
If you have any light to shine, please leave a comment.
Update: J.S. from Lakeville, MA has a good comment to share on this topic. Read on.
He said that "precedent" statement to get thru without a fight...with the previous written statement he made in '90, I think it is pretty obvious how he will vote if abortion issues hit the Court again...he will be on our side! GW knows what he is doing on this one...time will tell, and hopefully, he will fill that vacancy for for thirty years or so!
Good comment! Any other thoughts on this issue?
The End of the Nomination, the start of the Confirmation.
Hugh Hewitt is for him all the way! :-D That's a good thing.
Live Coverage of the Supreme Court Nomination
Mr. Roberts have argued before the court 39 times.
Mr. Roberts is conservative.
Bushes speech.
A former judge on the DC court
Capt football team
Worked in steel mill to pay his way through college.
Grad from Harvard
Secretary for Rehnquist
Respected by both parties
Mr. Roberts speech
Thanks to his family
End of Speech
Coverage of the Court Nominee
Roberts is the pick!
Read more here
Hehe look at this:
Liberal groups, however, say Roberts has taken positions in cases involving free speech and religious liberty that endanger those rights. Abortion rights groups allege that Roberts is hostile to women’s reproductive freedom and cite a brief he co-wrote in 1990 that suggested the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 high court decision that legalized abortion.
“The court’s conclusion in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an abortion ... finds no support in the text, structure or history of the Constitution,” the brief said.
Sounds like a good justice to me. :-D
Hmm, however that is offset by this:
In his defense, Roberts told senators during his 2003 confirmation hearing that he would be guided by legal precedent. “Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land. ... There is nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent.”
Hmm. I don't like the sound of that. Oh well, we will have to see.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Breaking News!
Read more here @ MSNBC.
Click here for Mr. Roberts views on Abortion, ect.
See more @
After reading the review of his beliefs, I think I still like Jones. But, only time will tell. *grin*
Agent Tim is on the story
Update: After reading this post I think Mr. Roberts should do very well. :-D
Quote From
Steering Away From Clement (Does Your Head Hurt)
What I know for sure is that I don’t know who the nominee is going to be. I do know that when the herd all moves in one direction, it most likely is on to something. There is the potential to be wrong, but the probability is that the herd is right and Clement is the nominee.
Here is what I do know. The Democratic Senators are not going to be as nuts with this nominee as their base would like them to be (that also seems to indicate Clement might be it).
What is most important is this — Karl Rove, shudder the thought, believes, as does the President, that conservative activism related to the judicial nominating process was one of the most significant factors in the incumbent President’s party gaining seats in two successive elections, a near unheard of feat. Only security issues take precedence. As a result, the President is not going to appoint Gonzales and the President is not going to appoint someone who is not to the right of O’Connor on life issues. Any nominee will have been thoroughly vetted on the life issues and will be acceptable to conservatives.
Finally, John King at CNN is saying that he is getting “pushback” from “those closely involved in the process” that he should “not go there” on Clement. She is in the final three, but we really will not know who it is until 9pm tonight.
[UPDATE] Within the past hour, staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee have begun steering people away from Edith Brown Clement."
Update [2005-7-19 16:56:47 by Erick]: The whole lot of people who have been telling me Clement was the pick have gotten cold feet and now are clueless as to who it might be. But, the only name they have still is Clement, who is supposedly in the wilds of Wyoming on vacation.
Update [2005-7-19 17:0:3 by Erick]: ABC News is reporting that it is NOT Edith Brown Clement.
What a real conservative could mean for the Supreme Court
It is a clear case of the minority forcing its will on a majority which is equal to tyranny.
Read more about what I mean by visiting this great link by David Barton. Mr. Barton speaks about the two types of constitutional interpretation. We must have a justice who will rule as our forefathers planned, not one who believes that absolute laws change over time. That is the equivalent of saying the Bibles laws change over time.
For example: The Bible say sodomy is wrong.
A conservative would agree with the law and say sodomy is wrong today and forever.
A liberal would say that the law is different because it was written thousands of years ago and because sodomy is more excepted by the liberal parts of our society and/or church, sodomy should be allowed among a Christian congregation. BALONY!!
We must have a justice who realizes that that constitution must be interpreted strictly, as our forefathers meant it to be. We must have a judge who values a innocent child's life. We must have a judge who realizes that our nation has ALWAYS had a Christian Heritage and that should be protected in judicial rulings. We must have a justice who knows that our country is a religious counrty and we might like the right to bow our heads and pray over our lunches in public school.
GO Edith Jones!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Bush has a Nominee!!
President Bush HAS, repeat, HAS made his decision on a supreme court justice nominee. Bush will make his announcement at 8 O'clock CST. The blogosphere is howling with news and probably will be for the next week or two. :-P
Here are two of the top contenders.
Edith Brown Clement A strict constitutionalist, but don't want to oust abortion.
Edith Hollan Jones Die hard pro-life AND a strict constitutionalist. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a full list of possible nominees.
A very good article here @ about what Christian conservatives should expect. is buzzing.
Great quote on Clements stand on abortion by Derek of Virtue magazine.
*Judge Clement on Choice: During Clement's confirmation hearings for
the Fifth Circuit, the following exchange occurred:
Do you believe the constitutional right to privacy encompasses a
woman's right to have an abortion?
Answer: The Supreme Court has clearly held that the right to privacy
guaranteed by the Constitution includes the right to have an abortion.
The cases handed down by the Supreme Court on the right to abortion
have reaffirmed and redefined this right, and the law is settled in
that regard. If confirmed, I will faithfully apply Supreme Court
Again if bad pop-ups are a problem just refresh the page.
Technorati tags: Edith Hollan Jones, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Abortion, Politics, edith jones
Update 4:12P.M. : CBN (Pat Roberson, 700 Club) posts a story.
Bush on brink of choosing top court nominee
Comments: Coming soon...
Quote: LOL this is funny:
"Bush was careful not to disclose too many details about his selection process. When a reporter said, “We understand you are now close to a decision,” Bush replied, “Well, thank you for telling me where I am in the process.”
Note: If a bad pop up is on the MSNBC site, just refresh the site and it should go away.
Does anyone know of another good news site?
Monday, July 18, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Going to Grandma's!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I am looking for infomation about Christ and our founding fathers over at David Bartons site:
If you would be interested in viewing some of his materials please have a look.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Friday, July 15, 2005
A Tale of Two Universities
Hey guys! I got this email from my grandma. I thought you might enjoy it! Read on...
~ The BSB
A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the Harvard University President's outer office.
The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard & probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge.
"We'd like to see the president," the man said softly.
"He'll be busy all day," the secretary snapped.
"We'll wait," the lady replied.
For hours the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn't, and the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president, even though it was a chore she always regretted.
"Maybe if you see them for a few minutes, they'll leave," she said to him!
He sighed in exasperation and nodded.
Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, and he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer office.
The president, stern faced and with dignity, strutted toward the couple.
The lady told him! , "We had a son who attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was happy here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. My husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on campus."
The president wasn't touched. He was shocked.
"Madam," he said, gruffly, "we can't put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died.. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery."
"Oh, no," the lady explained quickly. "We don't want to erect a statue. We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard." The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical buildings here at Harvard."
For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. Maybe he could get rid of them now. The lady turned to her husband and said quietly, "Is that all it cost to start a university? Why don't we just start our own? " Her husband nodded. The president's face wilted in confusion and bewilderment.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford got up and walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they established the university that bears their name, Stanford University, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about. You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they think can do nothing for them.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Treasures, Mysterys, and Sandra Day O'Conner
Here is my latest list of books from the Library.
1. James Madison
A great book on our 4th President. This fine man is often called "The Father of the Consitution".
2. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Believe it or not I checked this book out the day she resigned!
3. Footprints under the Window - A Hardy Boys Book
A really good mystery about a plot by a group of South American spies to steal a secret U.S. project and sale it to our enemies abroad!
4. Lost Mines and Treasures of the South West
A book about reported treasures lost or hidden in the South-West part of the United States. Including some in Oklahoma!
5. The Story of Theodore Roosevelt - Adventure in Courage
A very "bully" telling of the years before the White House.
6. China Since 1945
A rather "Red" version of China since the Communist takeover.
7. Hidden Treasures
Another treasure book about the worlds most famous hidden treasures. (Such as the lost gold of the Incas)
That's all for now!
The Blogg...ur...Reading Boy Scout, :-D
A Sneak Peek at a Masterpiece..
I just go to view the remake of Jake's and Alex's business blog StillThinking Web Design. This fine team of web design and programming have been responsible for the great graphics of Agent Tim's site and SpunkyHomeschool. It is absolutly incredable! I was told by one of the authors that it should be lanched in a few hours so if you would like please check it out! To tell which design is up, the new one is NOT red and white. Go forth Still Thinking!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Supreme Court News
First from the ACLJ website, we have this very good article intitled:
Why Should Christians Care About the Supreme Court Nominee?
Note:All links below are from MSNBC.(unless otherwise noted) It you get a bad pop up, refresh the page and it should go away. If anyone knows of a good news site, without bad pop ups, please let me know!
Breaking News! Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist released from hospital.
For Full story click here
Comments: If one justice resigning causes this much rumpus, what will two at the same time do?
Democrats put forth Supreme Court names
For Full story click here
" Top Senate Democrats floated the names of potential candidates for the Supreme Court on Tuesday in a meeting with President Bush, describing them as the type of nominee who could avoid a fierce confirmation battle. "
I couldn't care less about a confirmation battle, so long as we get a pro-life strict constitutionalist justice.
Also on this topic, please view this article by Jay Sekulow of the ACLJ intitled, " Why President Bush Should Reject a "Consensus" Nominee for the Supreme Court:
"Poll: Should gender or race be a consideration? "
Nope, not at all. It is the issues that matter in this case, not the "political correctness" of the nominee.
"The meeting came at a time when the president is under pressure from conservatives who want a court that will reverse precedent on abortion rights*, affirmative action, homosexual rights and other issues. Some conservatives have criticized Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is close to Bush and frequently mentioned as a potential candidate, questioning whether he would vote to overturn the landmark 1973 court ruling that gave women the constitutional right to an abortion.
Seeking a 'consensus candidate'For their part, Democrats are urging Bush to seek a A consensus candidate, one who would win confirmation without a bitter struggle. But they have relatively little leverage in purely numerical terms. Republicans hold 55 seats in the Senate and can confirm any of Bush's picks unless Democrats mount a filibuster. The White House would need 60 votes to overcome that."
Yes, we have elected Republicans leaders for a reason, we went Roe vs. Wade overthrown. Now Republicans, get ur done!
*Abortion rights? Perfect example of liberal bias in the MSM. If we are talking about President Bush's Social Security plan, it is "controversial". But if we are talking about abortion it is a "right".
Abortion clash awaits Supreme Court nominee
For Full story click here
This article belongs the the AP, so I can't copy/paste, but I will try to comment never the less.
The Republicans have in the past done a pretty bad job of picking nominees.
I agree. That is why we MUST have someone he has proven that they are opposed to abortion. Former Justice O'Conner claimed to be pro-life but them flipped once she was on the court.
Gonzales voted to allow a teenager to have an abortion without telling her parents.
That's bad. If Gonzales is for the secret murder of a tiny baby, he is not the man I want on our United State Supreme Court.
Bush honesty rating drops to lowest point
For Full story click here
Comments: First of all, this poll only polled some 1,009 people, and I don't really think Bush's ratings are falling as a whole. However the reason they may be falling temporarily might be because he said that abortion would not be a main point in picking a new justice.
Also, I would like to give Dan Lacey over at Faithmouse a hat tip for the link on his blog. Thanks Dan. I really enjoy your cartoon. As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words" and your cartoons usually are. Thanks for being in the blogosphere.
Also from the Wall Street Journal, In Judge Battle, Mr. Sekulow Plays A Delicate Role
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Hello guys! I am safely back from the oral surgeon. (minus 4 wisdom teeth) We got some movies and I spend most of the day relaxing and watching them. Thank you so much for all your prayers. It was a comfort to know they many people were praying for me as the surgery was performed. I would like to share a verse that was a comfort to me during this time.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
- Phil 4:6,7
Yours behind ice packs, :-)
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Oral Surgery - Prayer request
I would like to give out some prayer requests tonight before I go to bed. I would like you to remember two friends of mine in your prayers. One's name is Martin and the other's name is Justin. Martin is going under the knife tomorrow to have a surgery performed and Justin is recovering from a car accident. Also if you would remember me tomorrow as well. About 8 o'clock I am going to get my wisdom teeth removed. Compared to what Justin and Martin are going through, this is nothing but if you would please lift us up in prayer tomorrow I would be grateful. I have tried to blog a lot today so as to leave posts to comment on if I don't feel like blogging for a while. Have a great day everyone!
God bless,
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Opposed to murder in all its forms
And over at Liberty Just In Case I found this touching tribute to our friends and allies the British people. The same evil has struck us both and yet, together we stand, undefeated in the cause of justice and right. May the allies draw near, once more to the one Provider of true security as the days go on.
College...Which one?
First up, East Central University.
A small state funded college, located close to home.(within driving distance) After taking an Oklahoma History test I was blessed to receive a $1000 scholarship from them. As well, for students with a ACT score of 26 or higher, they have 4 year scholarships devoted to history majors.(My hypothetical major) All these thing speak in favor of ECU. Living at home while in college would allow me to watch my younger siblings grow up and have a safe haven to rest and recuperate from what can be a stressful college life. However, being a state college, the book work would include evolution and most likely a "big scissors" approach to history. (Cropping our Christian history out of the books so as to be "politically correct') Also, they have recently hired a gay political science teacher. Which is a VERY bad thing. (How in the world could you trust a gay to tell you the truth about how our forefathers hated sodomy?)
Now on to Oklahoma University. (Or "OU" as it is lovingly called around here :-D)
The biggest college in Oklahoma, home to the famous football team the "Sooners". My mom talked to a recruiter from there who was ready to sign me up, but a downside to OU is that a freshman is required to live on campus. :-( I doubt I will go there my first year at least, but I might go there to law school.
Now to the lovely Florida coast, to Pensacola Christian College.
The home of the A Beka book curriculum. This one is not heavily in consideration from my point of view at this time, however it is a backup. A Christian campus is always a plus, but that is somewhat counterbalanced by the great distance from home.
Now for my all time favorite, Patrick Henry College.
Ranked in the top ten conservative colleges in the nation, this college is absolutely incredible! Opened and operated by the famed Mike Ferris of the Home School Legal Defense Association, this is THE place to go if you are a conservative Christian homeschooler. With the motto "For Christ and For liberty" this college tops them all for teaching young Christians how to be strong, dynamic soldiers for the Lord and our Christian Heritage. Also, want to guess what PHC's record is for getting its graduates into law school?
I quote the PHC website:
"Every PHC student who has applied to law school has gained admission to one or more. In fact, a large majority of law school bound students have been admitted to first tier law schools, such as Georgetown University and University of Virginia."
I think I would really enjoy going there. :-D However the down sides are:
1. It is in Virginia.(Another far off college)
2. It cost something in the ballpark of 20,000 U.S. dollars a year to attend. :-0 (For comparison PCC is only about $5,000 a year if I remember correctly.)
So if I went it would have to be totally on scholarships. But that would be a possibility.
Well, that's it! Please leave a comment with your choice of college!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Update: I think I just found a really cool law school have a look!
Regent Law (recommended by Jay Sekulow and the ACLJ!)
Today in the News
London Probes Attackers' Deaths in Blasts
For Full story click here
British police make arrest in bombings probe, cite progress
For Full story click here
Terrorists trained in Western methods will leave few clues
For Full story click here
The Battle for the Supreme Court -
US Supreme Court vacancy to be filled by October says lawmakers
For Full story click here
That's all for now! I have been looking deeper into the debate of separation of church and state as of late and have been learning a lot that direction. Have a great day all!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Monday, July 11, 2005
Scouting as a Pundit
For Full Story click here
Comments: I am glad they found him. A terrorist spokesmen had said they he was captured and beheaded, but this was not the case. He died fighting to the last.
Countdown begins for Discovery launch
For Full story click here
Comments:I am glad the mission will continue after the Colombia tragedy.
Gulf Coast cleans up from Hurricane Dennis
For Full Story click here
Comments: Floridians pick themselves up once more. However Dennis was weaker then expected which is a great thing.
Retirement Will Change Direction of Court for Years
For Full Story click here
Comments: The man is right. We must have a conservative pro-life Christian justice! For more of my thoughts click here.
Conservative Students Unleashed
For Full Story click here
Comments: Hehe, this is kinda funny. The author begains with a description of was liberals must think of conservative students and then goes on to tell what said students do in the summer.
More later...
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Saturday, July 09, 2005
A quick update...
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Update: Look at this real quick from David Ketter
...a bill in the Pennsylvania legislature would allow Intelligent Design to be taught in public schools. Praise God! For a rather leftist report, see CNN's story.
Boy Scout Comments: This CNN article is hogwash. However the bill sounds good. For an article on why separation of church and state is not fit for pigs(much less humans), please visit my article on the display of the Ten Commandments in court here at Virtue Magazine.
Note: At the top of the Virtue article there are two spelling errors. Please ignore those. I am working with the Virtue staff to get those corrected.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Attack on Briton
Story here @ MSNBC
Story here @ Fox News
Story here @ World Net Daily
Also see the excellent posts by Agent Tim and Spunky Jr. Please also visit the U.K. blogs of Adrian Warncock and Stone Pavement.
Quotes of the day:
''It's important, however, that those engaged in terrorism realize that our determination to defend our values and our way of life is greater than their determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people and a desire to impose extremism on the world,''
''Whatever they do, it is our determination that they will never succeed destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilizations in the world.''
"When they try to intimidate us, we will not be intimidated Ã… we will not be changed," "When they try to divide our people our weaken our resolve, we will not be divided and our resolve will hold firm. We will show by our spirit and dignity ... our values will long outlast theirs."
Tony Blair
"...however many you kill, you will fail."
London Mayor Ken Livingstone
"America stands with you in this time of crisis in attempts to help in any ways possible."
(U.S.) Homeland Security Michael Chertoff
Note to the British people from the BBS: My heart goes out to you today. You will be in my prayers tonight and as the days go on. Do not waiver or faulter at this blow. Togather we can and will bring these crawling, yellow bellied, snakes to justice. God comfort the United Kingdom in this time of need.
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
George...Don't Back Down Now!!!
For full story click here
Comments: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Sir, there can be no moderate compromise on this supreme court nominee! We must have a pro life justice who will flip Roe v. Wade! As a nation we can choose to be a Christian nation as our forefathers laid out, or we can be a atheist, agnostic junk heap subject to impending judgment. There can be no compromise on abortion. Our nation can be Christian or it can be liberal. There can be no middle ground. We must choose righteousness.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Faith in the White House is Back!
Faith in the White house is back on! If you have TBN please tune in! It came on at 9 CST and should play at least an hour. It is great!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Happy Fourth of July!

Hey Everybody!
Happy Fourth of July! I hope everyone has a great 4th this year. Below I have posted a few links of interest.
Virtue Magazine issue 13 has been published!
Agent Tim has a AWESOME banner up for the Fourth.
Daddy Pundit guesses the result of the Supreme Court Confirmation Battle.
Hat Tip to SecDef for the cool picture!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Another Birthday!
Our family is about to head out to yet another birthday party! However this one is not an overnighter so I should be back at the blogging controls without a hitch. :-D I shall leave the following links for your viewing pleasure in my absence.
My article on the Ten Commandments should be up at Virtue Magazine soon.
Agent Tim posted some really cool pictures from his mission trip.
All Things 2 All visited with a member of the Chinese underground Christian movement.
Spunky Jr. posted the reasons she is proud to be an American.
And a 4th of July cartoon is in progress over at the FaithMouse Blog
Have a great day everyone!
The Blogging Boy Scout,
Friday, July 01, 2005
Supreme Court News Flash!
Supreme Court Justice O'Connor retiring
For full story click here
Comments: The battle for the supreme court has begun. Ms. O'Connor was a swing vote on issues like abortion. We must get a strict constitutionalist to fill her place. Read about the two ways of interpreting the constitution here in this article by David Barton