Sunday, January 01, 2006

More Fires in Oklahoma while Life Goes On

Hello everyone.

Good grief we have had a ton of fires lately. Since my first post on fires, there has not been a day go by I have not seen firetrucks fly by our house. There have been 250,000 acres burned so far with 30,000 of those in the last week. Dad and I spend a good deal of Saturday afternoon turning our farm truck into a firefighting rig. We added a 275 gallon water tank to the back and stowed several 5-gallon buckets in the back for water dispention.(sp?) We have still been watering around the house and have added several water containers about the house with water ready to use. On our way to church today we couldn't help but notice the preparations people were making. One rancher had disked up the road next to his pasture so that any fire would be greatly slowed by 8-16 foot wide strip of dirt. Our neighbor to the south has brushhoged a 50 foot strip of his pasture that is nearest to the highway so as to slow any fires progress. After preparing defenses for the house, Dad and I have been discussing different plans on how to keep a fire out of our 90 something bales of hay. (With hay prices at about 10 dollars a bale you can see why we would want to protect these) But life goes on here in the great state of Oklahoma. I had a great time at the end of the year party last night. We got to play Halo 2 and BattleFront 2 quite a bit. :-) Some of the costumes were really good! One girl came as Susan from the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. My sister Chloe went as a teacher, and she looked very teacherly I can tell you! We had several OU and OSU fans, a caveman, a deer hunter, Sherlock Holmes and Watson, the Phantom of the Opera, as well as Raggidy Ann and Andy. It was a very enjoyable evening.

That's all for now!
The Blogging Boy Scout,

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