Saturday, October 13, 2007


Greetings Friends, Readers, and Spam Bots,

After more then a year of posting hibernation, the Blogging Boy Scout has returned to the blogosphere, under a new name, and with new thoughts and ideas to share.

Since we last meet, I have completed two semesters in college, and am busily working on a third. My relationship with the Lord is growing. My Mustang continues to run well and remains a joy in my life. The Lord is faithful and continues to work and mold me into one of His people. My career path remains in the shadows of the unknown, but I am confident the Lord will make it plain to me in His good time.

During my blogging absence, I find that my good friends Alex and Kierstyn are courting, Regenerate Our Culture keeps marching on and Agent Tim continues to change the world. Theses are good things that are happening in our world, and I am proud to even have the knowledge of them. So much of the world is full of hate, lust, lewdness, and vile, yet Christ's light continues to shine through those who have seen even a glimpse of His glory.

God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
~Genesis 1:31

Through good times and bad, may the Lord continue to grow His chosen ones.

The Scouting Student,
Travis Henry


Kristin Braun said...

Long time no blog :P Nice to see something from you here and it's good to know you're doing well.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Welcome back to blogsphere Travis! we missed you :D

Anonymous said...

Wow! I didn't know you were back until I just saw the link over at KP's. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

WHOHOOO!!! Yes! Travis is back!!! Man, you need to call me sometime!